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Auxilium Elixir - high quality full spectrum CBD Oil

More and more people are reporting on the success they have achieved by taking CBD oil. Whether as an alternative for the treatment of joint pain, insomnia or depression - CBD seems to offer many possibilities.

With our Auxilium Elixir products you can also benefit from the positive effects that CBD oil can have on your health and well-being. Our range includes premium quality CBD oils for various applications in humans and pets.

Your benefits with Auxilium Elixier CBD Oil at a glance:

  • Full spectrum CBD oil (5% and 10%) in premium quality
  • Low THC content (<0.1%)
  • Pure natural product without artificial additives
  • Simple dosage
  • Good tolerability and free of side effects
  • CBD products for a wide range of applications
  • High-quality raw materials from selected suppliers
  • CBD oils for people

CBD: What is this anyway?

The abbreviation CBD stands for Cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is one of the many cannabinoids found in female hemp plants. CBD is said to have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and anxiety-relieving effects, as well as helping with nausea.

Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), another cannabinoid, CBD has no significant psychoactive effect. In combination with the numerous positive effects it appears to have on health and well-being, this makes CBD an active ingredient with great potential for numerous medical applications.

How to take CBD

The cannabidiol extracted from the female hemp is mixed with cooking oil to so-called CBD oil and can thus be taken by people in the right dosage.

Hemp: one plant - many possible uses

Hemp is one of the oldest useful plants of all. Originally from Central Asia, the plants are now cultivated almost worldwide and offer countless possibilities for use. The nutritious seeds used to be regarded as an effective means of treating diseases such as malaria or rheumatism and are now used primarily for the production of hemp oil as a healthy edible oil.

The fibres of the hemp plant were once a very important raw material in the paper industry and are still used today in the production of textiles such as jeans or ropes and sailcloth.

In addition, hemp in general and CBD oil in particular are playing an increasingly important role in medicine. The active substances of the hemp plant are used, for example, in the treatment of depression as well as in pain therapy with sometimes astonishing success.

As you can see, hemp has much more to offer than the well-known marijuana to which this valuable crop is often reduced in public.

CBD Oil Effect

The human body has a so-called endocannabinoid system (ECS) which is part of the nervous system and comprises CB1 and CB2 receptors. It is believed that cannabinoids such as CBD activate these receptors and, among other things, are effective in this way.

The CB1 receptors control, among other things, the sensation of pain and anxiety as well as appetite, while the CB2 receptors are supposed to play a role, particularly for the immune system.

Although the exact function of the endogenous cannabinoid system has not yet been conclusively clarified, the effect of CBD on symptoms such as pain, inflammation or sleep problems can be explained.

CBD oil does not make high

Many people immediately think of cannabis when they hear words like hemp and cannabidiol oil and fear they will get high from using CBD. However, this concern is completely unfounded. Because CBD has no psychoactive effect.

The reason marijuana causes intoxication is the THC it contains. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is another cannabinoid found in elevated concentrations in some cannabis strains and is usually found in very small amounts in CBD oils.

However, CBD oil legally available in Germany has such a low THC content (less than 0.2%) that there is no need to worry about any effects on consciousness.

CBD offers many possible applications

The intake of CBD oil is suitable for a variety of different complaints. The positive effect that can be achieved with CBD has already been proven in a number of studies. In addition, there are countless reports from users who report on their positive experiences with CBD oil.

The intake of CBD oil can be useful for the following diseases and complaints, among others:

  • Insomnia and sleep disorders
  • Stress and overload
  • Skin problems, such as acne
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Nausea and nausea
  • Crohn's disease
  • Arthritis and Arthrosis
  • Rheumatism
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Alzheimer's
  • Parkinson's
  • Allergies and Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Overweight
  • and many more areas of application

Learn more about treatment diseases and ailments with CBD oil

Does CBD oil have side effects?

If CBD Oil is used correctly and not overdosed, it has no significant side effects. This is also confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO), which has evaluated cannabidiol in a larger study on possible risks.

However, taking CBD can slow down the absorption of drugs. In this case, it is therefore advisable to talk to the attending physician beforehand and clarify whether there is anything to be said against accompanying the drug therapy with cannabidiol.

In addition, some users report that CBD oil has caused them side effects such as drowsiness, fatigue, low blood pressure or dry mouth. However, these undesirable side effects usually only occur at a very high dosage and can usually be corrected very easily by reducing the dose.

CBD in pregnancy

Despite the general harmlessness, pregnant women should refrain from taking CBD oil in order to avoid possible risks for the unborn child.

CBD Oil Production

CBD is extracted from the flowers and leaves of female hemp. We use the so-called CO2 extraction process. In this production method, carbon dioxide is pressed into the hemp under high pressure and thus releases the cannabidiol contained in the plants as well as other ingredients such as vitamins and other cannabinoids.

If the pressure is reduced after extraction, the carbon dioxide evaporates without leaving any residue and the CBD extract is ready for further processing. In the next step it is heated. This is necessary to convert the present CBDa into the active CBD.

In the final production step, the cannabidiol is mixed with an edible oil such as olive oil or hemp oil. This achieves the desired concentration of CBD oil (e.g. 10% or 5%). In addition, the finished product can be dosed and taken more easily.

Advantages of production using CO2 extraction

Alternatively, it is also possible to isolate the CBD from the hemp and then clean it. The resulting crystals consist almost exclusively of cannabidiol and can be dissolved in an edible oil and further processed to CBD oil.

However, researchers assume that such a CBD isolate has less effect than a CBD oil produced like our Auxilium Elixir. This may be due to the fact that cannabidiol oil from CO2 extraction contains not only CBD, but also other cannabinoids and various other active ingredients that can also contribute to the effectiveness of the preparation.

Other valuable ingredients in CBD oil

High-quality CBD oil from CO2 extraction contains not only cannabidiol but also numerous other valuable ingredients which are vital for the body and which can support the positive effects of the oil on health.

These ingredients include other cannabinoids such as cannabichromes, cannabigerol and cannabinol, as well as valuable terpenes and flavonoids.

In addition, CBD oil may also contain the following substances:

  • Vitamins: In addition to vitamins B1 and B2, CBD oil can also have a high vitamin E content. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that protects the body's cells and can have a positive effect on serotonin levels.
  • Minerals: CBD oil can also contain a variety of minerals that have important functions in the body. These include copper, calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium.
  • Chlorophyll: Chlorophyll is the natural green pigment in plants. It supports cellular respiration and also helps to detoxify and purify cells of harmful substances. Thus the chlorophyll contained in CBD oil can also have a positive effect on the immune system.
  • Carotenoids: Carotenoids are also natural colorants. They give the cannabidiol oil its yellow golden shimmer. It is known that carotenoids protect against premature aging, prevent narrowing of the arteries and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids: Due to the addition of edible oil, CBD oil also usually contains omega-3 and omega-6 fats. These unsaturated fatty acids play a role in cell regeneration and can also have positive effects on the immune system and blood pressure.

Differences between hemp oil and CBD oil

Hemp oil is considered healthy and has enjoyed increasing popularity in recent years. However, hemp oil is not the same as CBD oil. Because it is not produced from the leaves and flowers, but from the seeds of the hemp plant.

Hemp oil is usually obtained using the gentle cold pressing process, whereby both peeled and unpeeled seeds can be used. Hemp oil is mainly used as edible oil and is characterised by its high content of essential omega-3 and omega-6 fats.

Hemp oil can be used for baking and cooking or for preparing salad dressings. Its smoke point is 165 degrees Celsius and, as with all edible oils, should not be exceeded.

Buy Auxilium Elixir CBD Oil

If you want to take full advantage of the potential benefits of CBD oil, you should not compromise on quality when purchasing. With the Auxilium Elixier range you are opting for high-quality CBD oil without artificial additives.

For the production of cannabidiol we exclusively use the CO2 extraction process. This means that our CBD oils are not only free of solvent residues, but are also particularly rich in valuable ingredients.

But the best thing to do is convince yourself and test our different CBD oils. We are sure that you will also be enthusiastic.

CBD in the focus of science: the number of studies is growing

Even though the effects of CBD and its numerous possible applications have certainly not yet been sufficiently researched, there is still a great deal of interest from the scientific community. For example, a search for CBD studies on PubMed currently results in more than 6,300 hits.

A small selection of the studies published there is listed and linked below.

Cannabidiol as an alternative for pain therapy

CBD for psychosis and schizophrenia

The effect of CBD on the immune system and inflammatory diseases

Cannabidiol and multiple sclerosis

CBD for patients with colorectal cancer

Is CBD suitable as a cancer drug?

Effect of cannabidiol on diabetes

CBD to reduce inflammation and pain caused by arthritis (in rats)

Although this list is of course only a very small part of the available studies, it should quickly become clear what potential CBD oil has. This is not least due to the fact that cannabidiol is a completely natural substance with practically no side effects.

Even if CBD should certainly not be considered as a new miracle drug, it is worthwhile in any case to take a closer look at the possible applications. And who knows. Perhaps, thanks to the products in our Auxilium Elixir range, you will soon be one of those people who can report positive experiences with CBD for yourself.