Does CBD help against arthritis?
Arthrosis is a widespread joint disease. In Germany alone, it is estimated that about five million people are affected. Many patients even suffer daily from the pain that arthrosis causes, especially in the knees, hips and hands. The pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects attributed to CBD could possibly help people with osteoarthritis to counteract their symptoms.
How does CBD oil work in osteoarthritis?
CBD (cannabidiol) is an active ingredient extracted from hemp plants. Unlike THC, however, this cannabinoid does not have an intoxicating effect, so taking it does not lead to restrictions in everyday life.
Instead, CBD is said to have a positive effect on a number of complaints. For example, it is said to relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the body. As osteoarthritis leads to joint inflammation and causes severe pain, among other things, it is precisely these properties that make CBD so interesting for those affected.
What the use of CBD against arthrosis in the body does
The exact mechanisms of action in the body associated with taking CBD have not yet been fully understood. However, it is known that the human organism has a so-called endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS).
This is a component of the nervous system, whose receptors are distributed throughout the body and which plays a role in several important basic functions, such as pain perception and sleep patterns.
ECS can apparently be activated by both the body's own cannabinoids and by cannabinoids supplied from outside. CBD ingestion is thought to stimulate the production of the body's own cannabinoids, allowing ECS to work more effectively.
According to current knowledge, this is probably the explanation why many people with osteoarthritis seem to benefit from CBD.
What research says about CBD in osteoarthritis
The effect of the cannabinoid CBD has long attracted the interest of science and has therefore already been the subject of numerous studies. Even though few studies have specifically dealt with the CBD in osteoarthritis, there have already been some very promising results.
In addition, CBD can obviously help to alleviate the symptoms of patients with arthritis. However, such studies often refer to the combined intake of CBD and THC. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume that cannabidiol has a positive effect on osteoarthritis.
Many patients with arthritis report positive experiences with CBD
The assumption that CBD helps with osteoarthritis is supported not least by numerous positive experience reports. For example, those affected repeatedly report how CBD oil has helped to relieve their pain and significantly improve their quality of life despite arthrosis.
Especially for people who may have been suffering from painful joints for years and are therefore struggling with severe limitations in their everyday life, such reports undoubtedly give hope.
Advantages of taking CBD for osteoarthritis
Many osteoarthritis patients cannot manage without regular intake of painkillers due to their severe pain. However, in some cases these can cause a number of undesirable side effects.
In addition, painkillers can be quite addictive in the long term, so that discontinuing them at a later date can be difficult.
In this context, CBD has the great advantage that, if dosed correctly, there are usually hardly any significant side effects. In addition, there is no danger of addiction when taking it.
These properties make CBD a real alternative for osteoarthritis, which may have the potential to replace or at least meaningfully supplement conventional painkillers with all their disadvantages.
Who should not take CBD against arthrosis
Even though the possible side effects of CBD are generally negligible, it is not advisable for every patient with osteoarthritis.
This is because cannabidiol can cause interactions with certain drugs and lead to a weaker or even significantly stronger effect.
If you are currently taking medication to treat your arthrosis or any other disease, you should consult your doctor before taking CBD Oil for the first time.
CBD Oil for arthrosis - our conclusion
As you can see, CBD is obviously a serious alternative for osteoarthritis that is worth trying. Especially the lack of side effects and the absence of addictive potential speak for themselves.
Although research still has a lot of work ahead of it and experience reports from other users are of course always subjective opinions, there are many indications that people with arthrosis can benefit from CBD.
High quality CBD oil from our shop
If you suffer from arthrosis and would like to try out whether you can benefit from the effects of CBD oil, you have come to the right place. In our shop you will find high-quality CBD drops with cannabidiol from CO² extraction in different concentrations.
Our CBD oil contains only organic olive or linseed oil. You can therefore be sure that you are using a premium quality product against your arthrosis and that you will get the best possible benefit from taking it.
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